
Showing posts from February 26, 2018

Essays and idioms for matric

Wonders of Science         Our age is an age of science. Scientific inventions have brought about great changes in almost every walk of life. Science has conquered time and distance. The countries at a distance of thousands of miles appear to be situated just in our neighborhood. The distance that formerly took months and years to cover, now takes hours and days. Infact we feel as if all the men and women on this earth belong to one family. Besides, means of communication and transport have been speedier and easier. The speed of traveling greatly increased. The locomotive (a vehicle fovement), the telephone and the wireless are doing great services to man. Science has saved man from a good deal of labour and has made life more interesting and enjoyable. After the hard work of the day, one may switch on his radio or television set and enjoys himself by listening songs or watching different programmes. He may choose to go to cinema or watch the movie on VCR or CD ...