
Showing posts from September 1, 2023

Quaid on 11th August 1947 1st year Q/A

  1st year English Notes Chapter Questions /Answers  “The Quaid on 11 th August 1947” (a speech of Quid e Azam)   Q#01   Why   was the Quaid feeling honored while addressing to the first constituent assembly?   Ans.     The Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinah, the originator of Pakistan, was feeling honoured while addressing to the assembly for the first time because it was a significant moment for the whole country and the Quaid had made it possible. He was also feeling proud that he had made possible what he wanted for the people of Indo-Pak. Now the people can live in the country peacefully following their own religious practices., pub-4890949402209272, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Q# 02   Which is the greatest curse according to Quaid-e-Azam ?   Ans.         According to Quaid-e-Azam, we have inherited many problems i.e. black marketing, nepotism, jobbery etc. the g...

Seven Ages of Men

  Second Year English Notes Sindh Board SEVEN AGES OF MAN SEVEN AGES OF MAN (William Shakespeare) Questions Answers Q1- Write down the introduction of the poet who composed the poem "The Seven Ages of Man". Ans.  The "Seven Ages of Man" is composed by William Shakespeare who was born at Stratford in April 1564. He got his early education at his native place. After marriage, he left for  London  leaving behind his wife Anne Hathaway and three Children. He was totally Self-educated. He composed very striking novels like Hamlet, The winter tale, and Romeo and Juliet. He also composed many sonnets. He is called the World greatest poet and the dramatist in the history of English Literature. Q2- How Shakespeare describes the age of love in his poem “The Seven Ages of Man”? Ans    According to Shakespeare the third stage of man's life is a lover when a person is very romantic. He is very miserable and sad. He composes beautiful and romantic verses on the beauty of...